NFPA 2023 Post Show
NFPA 2023 Post Show
We would like to thank all those that stopped by our booth this year for a phenomenal NFPA 2023. The booth was packed with hundreds of people getting the latest updates on the growth of Ameriflo. We were very fortunate to also have Mike Duseberg in our booth wowing visitors with his magic!! He was a big hit with our guests!!
Ameriflo had perhaps the most diverse booth at the show and for sure had the best spread of product compared to all others. The end suction, vertical inline, split case, vertical turbine and diesel engines were all on parade and show the absolute breadth of the largest product offering in the Fire Protection industry!!
After the show on Monday night, we had our hospitality event at the top of Mandalay Bay in the Foundation Room. One of our first hospitality events and it went off without a hitch. We had drinks and food for a couple hundred of our guests with Mike continuing his magic to entertain the room.